Test methods marked with “*” sign are within the scope of the accreditation.
Static Compression Bending Test for Dental Implants

Labiotech PI-022

Static Compression Bending Test for Dental Implants

Dynamic compression bending test for dental implants is defined in ISO 14801. However, it is not specified any test method for static loading condition to determine yield strength of the implants. Labiotech PI-022 specifies static compression bending test for dental implants.

ISO/TS 13498 Torsion test of implant body/connecting part joints of endosseous dental implant systems

*ISO/TS 13498 Torsion test of implant body/connecting part joints of endosseous dental implant systems

Torisonal yield strength and maximum torque are determined for implant body/connecting part joints of endosseous dental implant systems according to this standard.

ISO/TS 13498 Torsion test of implant body/connecting part joints of endosseous dental implant systems

Labiotech PI-010

Test Method for Determining Tightening Torque of Abutment Screws

In dentistry, abutment screws are tightened with a specific torque value stated by manufacturer. The purpose of this test method is to determine this optimum tightening torque value of abutment screws.

ISO 14801 Dynamic Fatigue Test for Endosseous Dental Implants

*ISO 14801 Dynamic Fatigue Test for Endosseous Dental Implants

According to this standard, fatigue performance of endosseous dental implants of the transmucosal type and their prosthetic components is determined.

ISO 19023 Test Methods for Orthodontic Anchor Screws

*ISO 19023 Test Methods for Orthodontic Anchor Screws

Fracture torque and insertion torque values are determined are according to this standard. The test procedure meets the requirements of ASTM F543 and ASTM F1839